On 9 September 1947, computer scientist Grace Murray Hopper recorded the first computer bug in her log book, as she worked on the Harvard Mark II. During Copenhagen Maker 2017, FemTech.dk will celebrate the 70th anniversary of this “first actual case of bug being found” through a fun, inclusive, and educational installation.The installation consists of a large image of an old electromechanical computer and physical origami bugs, which can be removed using a mobile game. This installation will be co-created by people participating in Copenhagen Maker Fair, who will be invited to create origami bugs and enhance these with actuators controlled by a microcontroller.
Copenhagen Maker Faire
Copenhagen Maker is the largest maker fair in Copenhagen. This year, the fair will be held on 8-10 September 2017 in Carlsberg Byen. It’s organised in the context of the Techfestival, where more than 15000 people are invited to explore and discuss the impact of technology on our lives. FemTech.dk’s participation is grounded on the stance that the future of technology development entails creating opportunities to bring different experiences, skills, and perspectives together.