FemTech event: Hack an IKEA bear into Cyber Bear

FemTech event: Hack an IKEA bear into Cyber Bear

FemTech DIKU event for excellent STX/HTX  students – learning how to create Internet-of-Things Interactive Product – the IoT enabled Cyber Bear

“It is 6:00 early Monday morning in November. The alarm goes off, and Emma reaches out under her pillow and grabs her CyberBear and pushes its paw, the lights flashes green and Emma turns around and sleeps 100 min longer.”

CyberBear is an IoT interactive product, which connects to the scheduling system Lectio, which is used by Danish STX/HTX students. If the first class on the particular day for the particular student is cancelled, CyberBear will respond by flashing green lights – and the STX/HTX student can sleep 100 min longer. If the class is not cancelled is will flash red and the student need to get up.


Below is a stepwise manual for how to create CyberBear (please feel free to re-use, but please remember referencing FemTech.dk). There is for sure things we did not consider, elements which can be done in different ways etc – any comments of how to improve the CyberBear design game is most welcome please email contact@femtech.dk

FemTech CyberBear instructions PDF

The PDF does not explain all, but together with the instruction of FemTech website, we hope it makes it possible for others to use it.
